As promised, here are some pictures taken during our team building in Tagaytay. Last Friday, we headed to the south to get some fresh air and to recondition ourselves from a stressful week. And yeah, we really had a week-off full of fun. (",) Though we didn't spend much time 'coz we went home at about 2pm the next day.
Some more Team building pics...
It was Saturday, the day I won't forget! Because that was the day I got my precious phone! (",) hehehe... my P910i! It's really cool to have one. I highly recommend that phone 'coz you could do a lot of things as well as creating and opening MS-word and MS-Excel and powerpoint as well. Plus it's got a cool cam and bigger screen compared to my previous P800 phone. Later that day, Mike and I went to Powerplant (though it's raining really hard) to try some mp3 downloads, I bought 3 songs for 50 pesos each (about $1.00). Sony Ericsson showed its prowess when it comes to sound quality, I really am more than satisfied with that. Then we had some burgers and onion rings at Brother's, yum yum... a burger (big brother burger) is enough to get you bloated, if yer not in a super starving state you could even share one piece w/ a friend or two.
After that we went ahead to G3 to buy some charms for my new phone... hehehe (",) I told ya'll, I really made plans for my phone way ahead... (",) I bought this cool silver crown with blue accent, and a "B" pendant at Jo's (it's this totally awasome botique in G3 selling charms) it really goes well with p910i's color. I love that store, though I must admit cool stuff's aren't always cheap. And now, my phone's all made up, hehehe... (",)
Some more Team building pics...

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