Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Graduation Day at Last!

nvgrad p_conventions_fiesta04

After spending four (agonizing?) years in college, we'll be marching for our diplomas tomorrow (which will be our key to unlock the door for a bigger world). The world of opportunities and real challenges. Oh well, I shouldn't be thinking about negative things about it, I must be optimistic about things to come. And I feel that I've been well equipped from those trials I've experienced during my college years especially during my practicum days, (whew!), don't wanna go in details 'bout it.

Tomorrow (March 17, 2005 3 PM) will be the big day! Centro Escolar University will be holding the Graduation ceremonies at the infamous Manila Hotel, at the grandious Fiesta Pavillion. More than anything else, the most memorable thing I assume I'd never forget is that I'll be marching before my mom, who's been very supportive with my studies, both financial and moral. I share my diploma to all my friends who never left me even in times of trials. To all my professors who've been very strict, because that has thought me a lot, and has transformed me to become a better and responsible individual. Thank you guys (Anonymous 8) for being true friends. Thanks to you mom for your love and patience, and for being hardworking, providing for all my needs. Thanks to my ate's and to my niece and nephew (Raphael Joseph) who never failed to make me smile even during my most tiring day. Thank you God for all the blessings, for the strength, and for the hope and faith that keeps me going.

Yipee! I'm now a certifide bachelor! (hehehe !)

Congratulations my fellow graduates! Cheers to ABMCB 4A Batch 2005!!!
We did a great job!

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